Integrated Systems, Inc (iSys)

Integrated Systems, Inc
Phone: 954-725-0006
Certification: NexentaStor
Florida, USA

Integration Systems, LLC, is doing business as iSys and is headquartered in Deerfield Beach, FL. The company was started on March 1, 2002 by Terry Keene, then President of Enabling Technologies Group, Inc. of Atlanta, Georgia.

Businesses today have created complex computing infrastructures based on Intel/Windows servers and older UNIX technologies. These solutions have limited IT deployment to a single application per server, and constrained servers to less than 30% utilization, with most servers using less than 5% of their capacity. This has created management control problems and excessive IT costs. The goal that iSys has set for our customers is to help simplify the IT infrastructure, bring business value back to IT, and help our customers become proactive in deploying IT technology that truly brings value to their organizations core competencies. "IT Doesn't Have To Be This Hard!"